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list of hymn texts
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Organists: Arrangements &
Accompaniments of Hymns in the LDS Hymnal"
Keep the Commandments
Know This, That Every
Soul Is Free
Lead, Kindly Light
Lead Me into Life Eternal
Lean on My Ample Arm
Let Earth's Inhabitants Rejoice
Let the Holy Spirit Guide
Let Us All Press On
Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
Like Ten Thousand Legions Marching
Lo, the Mighty God Appearing!
Lord, Accept into Thy Kingdom
Lord, Accept Our True Devotion
Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing
Lord, I Would Follow Thee
Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part
Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
Love at Home
Love One Another
Keep the Commandments,
303 - Barbara A. McConochie
Keep the commandments; keep the commandments!
In this there is safety; in this there is peace.
He will send blessings; He will send blessings.
Words of a prophet: Keep the commandments.
In this there is safety and peace.
Know This, That Every Soul Is Free,
240 - Anonymous. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.
1. Know this, that ev'ry soul is
free To choose his life and what he'll be;
For this eternal truth is giv'n:
That God will force no man to heav'n.
2. He'll call, persuade, direct aright, And bless with wisdom,
love, and light,
In nameless ways be good and kind, But never force the human
3. Freedom and reason make us men; Take these away, what are
we then?
Mere animals, and just as well The beasts may think of heav'n or hell.
4. May we no more our pow'rs abuse,
But ways of truth and goodness choose;
Our God is pleased when we improve His grace and seek his
perfect love.
Lead, Kindly Light,
97 - John Henry Newman
- Lead,
kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom; Lead
thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home; Lead thou me on!
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene--one step
enough for me.
- I
was not ever thus, nor pray'd that thou Shouldst lead me on.
I loved to choose and see my path; but now, Lead thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will.
Remember not past years.
- So
long thy pow'r hath blest me, sure it still
Will lead me on
O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone.
And with the morn those angel faces smile, Which I have loved long
since, and lost awhile!
Lead Me into Life Eternal,
45 - John A. Widstoe
1. Lead me into life
eternal By the gospel's holy call.
Let thy promise rest upon me; Grant me ready strength for all.
2. Father, all my heart
I give thee; All my service shall be thine.
Guide me as I search in weakness; Let thy loving light be
3. Hear me as I pray in
meekness; Let my strength be as thy day.
Give me faith, the greater knowledge; Father, bless me as I
Lean on My Ample Arm,
120 - Theodore E. Curtis
- Lean
on my ample arm, O thou depressed! And I will bid the storm Cease in thy
Whate'er thy lot may be On life's complaining
sea, If thou wilt come to me, Thou shalt have
- Lift
up thy tearful eyes, Sad heart, to me; I am the sacrifice Offered for
In me thy pain shall cease, In me is thy release, In me thou shalt have peace
Let Earth's Inhabitants Rejoice,
53 - William Clegg
1. Let earth's inhabitants rejoice And gladly hail the
glorious hour;
Again is heard a prophet's voice, And all may feel the
gospel's pow'r.
2. The blissful time will soon arrive, The day by holy men
When man no more with man will strive, And all in each a
friend behold.
3. Oppression will no more be found, Nor tyrant hold
relentless sway,
But love to God and man abound Thruout
the long millennial day.
Let the Holy Spirit Guide,
143 - Penelope Moody Allen
1. Let the Holy Spirit
guide; Let him teach us what is true.
He will testify of Christ, Light our minds with heaven's view.
2. Let the Holy Spirit
guard; Let his whisper govern choice.
He will lead us safely home If we listen to his voice.
3. Let the Spirit heal
our hearts Thru his quiet, gentle pow'r.
May we purify our lives To receive him hour by hour.
Let Us All Press On,
243 - Evan Stephens
- Let
us all press on in the work of the Lord, That when life is o'er we may
gain a reward;
In the fight for right let us wield a sword, The mighty sword of truth.
Fear not, though the enemy deride; Courage, for the Lord is on our side.
We will heed not what the wicked may say, But the Lord alone we will
- We
will not retreat, though our numbers may be few When compared with the
opposite host in view;
But an unseen pow'r will aid me and you In the
glorious cause of truth.
Fear not, though the enemy deride; Courage, for the Lord is on our side.
We will heed not what the wicked may say, But the Lord alone we will
- If
we do what's right we have no need to fear, For the Lord, our helper,
will ever be near;
In the days of trial his Saints he will cheer, And prosper the cause of
Fear not, though the enemy deride; Courage, for the Lord is on our side.
We will heed not what the wicked may say, But the Lord alone we will
(Harmony lyrics in Chorus)
Fear not, courage, though the enemy deride;
We must be victorious, for the Lord is on our side.
We'll not fear the wicked nor give heed to what they say,
But the Lord, our Heav'nly Father, him alone we
will obey.
Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words,
232 - Joseph L. Townsend
- Let
us oft speak kind words to each other At home or where'er
we may be;
Like the warblings of birds on the heather,
The tones will be welcome and free.
They'll gladden the heart that's repining, Give courage and hope from
And where the dark clouds hide the shining, Let in the bright sunlight
of love.
Oh the kind words we give shall in memory live And sunshine forever
Let us oft speak kind words to each other, Kind words are sweet tones of
the heart.
- Like
the sunbeams of morn on the mountains, The soul they awake to good
Like the murmur of cool, pleasant fountains, They fall in sweet cadences
Let's oft, then, in kindly toned voices, Our mutual friendship renew,
Till heart meets with heart and rejoices In friendship that ever is
Oh the kind words we give shall in memory live And sunshine forever
Let us oft speak kind words to each other, Kind words are sweet tones of
the heart.
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise,
41 - Edward Partridge. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.
- Let
Zion in her beauty rise; Her light begins to shine.
Ere long her King will rend the skies, Majestic and divine,
The gospel spreading thru the land, A people to prepare
To meet the Lord and Enoch's band, Triumphant in the air.
- Ye
heralds, sound the golden trump To earth's remotest bound.
Go spread the news from pole to pole in all the nations round:
That Jesus in the clouds above, With hosts of angels too,
Will soon appear, his Saints to save, His enemies subdue.
- That
glorious rest will then commence Which prophets did foretell,
When Saints will reign with Christ on earth, And in his presence dwell
A thousand years, oh, glorious day! Dear Lord, prepare my heart
To stand with thee on Zion's mount And nevermore to part.
Like Ten Thousand Legions Marching,
253 - Jean L. Kaberry
1. Like ten thousand legions marching Moves a mighty band of
Boldly taking to all people Zion's glorious song of truth.
2. Out of ev'ry nation surging--Sons
of Joseph, Israel's band--
Now they spread salvation's message In the tongues of ev'ry land.
3. Far across the mighty waters, Reaching ev'ry
waiting shore,
Seed of Abraham and Jacob Like a mighty lion roar.
4. Come, ye nations, out of darkness; 'Tis the time of
Christ's return.
Heed the Restoration's message; Let its light within you burn.
Lo, the Mighty God Appearing!
55 - William Goode
- Lo,
the mighty God appearing! From on high Jehovah speaks!
Eastern lands the summons hearing, O'er the west his thunder breaks.
Earth behold him! Earth behold him! Universal nature shakes.
Earth behold him! Earth behold him! Universal nature shakes.
- Zion,
all its light unfolding, God in glory shall display.
Lo! he comes! nor silence holding; Fire and clouds prepare his way.
Tempests round him! Tempests round him! Hasten on the dreadful day.
Tempests round him! Tempests round him! Hasten on the dreadful day.
- To
the heav'ns his voice ascending, To the earth
beneath he cries.
Souls immortal, now descending, Let their sleeping dust arise!
Rise to judgment! Rise to judgment! Let thy throne adorn the skies.
Rise to judgment! Rise to judgment! Let thy throne adorn the skies.
- Now
the heav'ns on high adore him And his
righteousness declare.
Sinners perish from before him, But his Saints his mercies share.
Just his judgments! Just his judgments! God, himself the judge, is
Just his judgments! Just his judgments! God, himself the judge, is
Lord, Accept into Thy Kingdom,
236 - Mabel Jones Gabbott
1. Lord, accept into thy kingdom Each repentant, humbled one,
Born of water and the Spirit In thy name, Beloved Son.
Let the Holy Ghost, descending, Comfort, guide the path of
Channel of all light and glory, Key to vision, knowledge,
2. Know ye not that he was holy? Yet he witnessed unto men
That the way is straight and narrow Leading unto God again.
Hark, glad tidings of salvation. Hear his word, "Come
follow me
Unto glory in my kingdom, Unto life eternally."
3. Like the sound of rushing waters In this day his word is
Holy ordinance of mercy For the living and the dead!
Let your hearts rejoice in gladness! Let the earth break forth
and sing!
Let the dead speak praising anthems To our God, eternal King!
Lord, Accept Our True Devotion,
107 - Richard Alldridge
- Lord,
accept our true devotion. Let thy Spirit whisper peace.
Swell our hearts with fond emotion, And our joy in thee increase.
Never leave us, never leave us. Help us Lord, to win the race.
Never leave us, never leave us. Help us Lord, to win the race.
- Help
us all to do thy bidding, And our daily wants supply.
Give thy Holy Spirit's guiding Till we reach the goal on high.
Ever guard us, ever guard us, Till we gain the victory.
Ever guard us, ever guard us, Till we gain the victory.
- May
we, with the future dawning, Day by day from sin be free,
That on resurrection morning We may rise at peace with thee,
Ever praising, ever praising, Throughout all eternity;
Ever praising, ever praising, Throughout all eternity.
Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing,
163 - John Fawcett
- Lord,
dismiss us with thy blessing; Fill our hearts with joy and peace.
Let us each, thy love possessing, Triumph in
redeeming grace.
Oh, refresh us, oh, refresh us, Trav'ling thru
this wilderness.
Oh, refresh us, oh, refresh us, Trav'ling thru
this wilderness.
- Thanks
we give and adoration For the gospel's joyful sound.
May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound.
Ever faithful, ever faithful to the truth may we be found.
Ever faithful, ever faithful to the truth may be we found.
Lord, I Would Follow Thee,
220 - Susan Evans McCloud
1. Savior, may I learn
to love thee, Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another, Finding strength beyond my
Savior, may I learn to love thee--Lord, I would follow thee.
2. Who am I to judge
another When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden Sorrow that the eye can't see.
Who am I to judge another? Lord, I would follow thee.
3. I would be my brother's
keeper; I would learn the healer's art.
To the wounded and the weary I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother's keeper--Lord, I would follow thee.
4. Savior, may I love
my brother As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon, For thy servant I would
Savior, may I love my brother--Lord, I would follow thee.
Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part,
153 - George Manwaring
- Lord,
we ask thee ere we part, Bless the teachings of this day.
Plant them deep in ev'ry heart, That with us
they'll ever stay.
- In
the innocence of youth, We would all thy laws fulfill.
Lead us in the way of truth. Give us strength to do thy will.
- Father,
merciful and kind, While we labor for the right,
May we in thy service find Sweetest pleasure, pure delight.
- All
our follies, Lord, forgive. Keep us from temptations free.
Help us evermore to live Lives of holiness to thee.
Lord, We Come Before Thee Now,
162 - William Hammond
1. Lord, we come before
thee now; At thy feet we humbly bow.
Do not thou our suit disdain; Shall we seek thee, Lord, in
2. In thine own appointed way, Now we seek thee; here we stay.
Lord from hence we would not go, Till a blessing thou bestow.
3. Send some message
from thy word That may joy and peace afford.
Comfort those who weep and mourn; Let the time of love return.
4. Grant we all may
seek and find Thee, our gracious God, and kind.
Heal the sick, the captive free. Let us all rejoice in thee.
Love at Home,
294 - John Hugh McNaughton
- There
is beauty all around When there's love at home;
There is joy in ev'ry sound When there's love
at home.
Peace and plenty here abide, Smiling sweet on ev'ry
Time doth softly, sweetly glide When there's love at home.
Love at home, Love at home; Time doth softly, sweetly glide When there's
love at home.
- In
the cottage there is joy When there's love at home;
Hate and envy ne'er annoy When there's love at home.
Roses bloom beneath our feet; All the earth's a garden sweet,
Making life a bliss complete When there's love at home.
Love at home, Love at home, Making life a bliss complete When there's
love at home.
- Kindly
heaven smiles above When there's love at home;
All the world is filled with love When there's love at home.
Sweeter sings the brooklet by; Brighter beams
the azure sky.
Oh, there's one who smiles on high When there's love at home.
Love at home, love at home; Oh, there's One who smiles on high When
there's love at home.
Love One Another,
308 - Luacine Clark Fox
As I have loved you, Love one another.
This new commandment: Love one another.
By this shall men know Ye are my disciples,
If ye have love One to another.
Click here to order "Resource List for
Organists: Arrangements &
Accompaniments of Hymns in the LDS Hymnal"